Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
predictors for morbidity and mortality following non-traumatic splenectomy at the university
تنبئ عن المراضة والوفيات بعد استئصال الطحال غير مؤلمة في الجامعة
Subject : predictors for morbidity and mortality following non-traumatic splenectomy at the university 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : RESULTS: Of the patients, 69% were males and 31% females with ages ranging from 13-72 years (mean 39 years). Portal hypertension constituted 55% of the indications and benign hematological conditions 26%. The morbidity rate was 27.6% and the commonest complication was chest and wound infection in 6.6% and 5.7%, respectively. Age of >50 years, pre- and postoperative haematocrit of <33%, thoraco-abdominal approach and operative time of >120 min had P values of < 0.05, <0.002, <0.03 and <0.03, respectively for postsplenectomy mortality 
ISSN : 1743-9191 
Journal Name : international surgery 
Volume : 85 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Monday, March 18, 2013 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد احمد الحربيalharbi, mohamed ahmedResearcherDoctorate 


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