Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Dialogue between aman and a women in the prophetic traditions an objective study in the light of the prophetic traditions as recorded in bukhari muslim
الحوار بين الرجل و المرأة في السنة النبوية دراسة موضوعية في ضوء أحاديث الصحيحين
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research has discussed all the Sayings of the Prophet which included a special dialogue between men and women from the Right Book of Al-Bokhari and Muslim Books and to divide those dialogues as the man being unmarriageable person or marriageable person I conclude the purpose out of those dialogues and rhetorical and linguistic styles and the ethical morals in every dialogue and some general benefits out of it The study was divided to an overview and two units the overview included the definition of dialogue and the status of the dialogue in the Noble Prophetic Tradition and the relation between the man and the woman and some issues affect the success of their dialogue The first unit study the dialogue between the woman and her unmarriageable persons the first chapter concerned her dialogue with her husband it was divided to five themes: the scientific dialogues and their dialogue about life and home stuff duty towards her husband and the dialogue between them to console each other in the case of sickness or at any hard conditions of life The dialogue in some of general talks and social talks and their dialogue about their jealous or about some issues through their marital relation The second chapter was about her dialogue with unmarriageable persons like her father and brothers and others It was divided to two themes the scientific dialogues and their dialogue about the issues of family and marital problems of one of the couple and to console her and to advice her The second unit was about the dialogue of the woman with marriageable persons of strangers this unit was divided to three chapters the first was dedicated to the dialogue of the Messenger (P B U H) with women It was divided into two themes his dialogue with the scholar woman and those who asks for enlightenment and about his noble dialogue consoling her and responding to her demands and checking on her The second chapter was about her dialogue with the marriageable men of stranger it was divided to two themes the dialogue with a stranger man in scientific issues and consoling or asking for living issues dialogue The third chapter was dedicated to the dialogue between Muslim and Non-Muslim Man or woman 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Number Of Pages : 925 
Added Date : Sunday, October 27, 2013 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
امل حسن العنانيalanan, amal hassanInvestigatorMaster 


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