Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
الأبناء : جذورهم وموقعهم في الخلافة العباسية 132(- 256هـ / 749- 870م )
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This dissertation named (Al-Abna'), their roots and position in the Abbasid caliphate from (132- 256H / 749-870) shed light on Al-Abna'' historical importance, that they are sons and grandsons of the Persian soldiers, the soldiers of the Abbasid revolution, who supported the Abbasid call till the Abbasid state was founded. And as a result of the efforts of Persian soldiers and their close adherence to the Abbasid, the Caliphates availed from their sons and grandsons beginning from the era of the Caliph Al-Mahdi who put fundamental bases for Al-Abna', the matter became as a method followed by the Caliphs, where they were surrounded by Al-Abna' depending on them in the political, military, administrative aspects and also in the state defense from any internal or external enemy, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages resulted. The study also aims at shedding light on the relation of Al-Abna' with the Abbasid Caliphs, it discusses the reasons made the Caliphs to employ Al-Abna' in the most important jobs, the matter increased their social position and influence especially in Al-Rasheed era, but this influence was of negative effect in raising differences between his two sons Al-Amin and Al-Ma'mun until they entered in an armed movement, and from one side this issue discovered that Al-Abna' were adherent to the Caliph Al-Amin, and to which extent Al-Abna' were paid attention to their place in the state. The change in the political and military events during the war between Al-Amin and Al-Ma'mun had an important role in discovering power strive of Al-Abna', the matter made Al-Ma'mun to try stopping their power and influence through getting rid of Al-Abna' important leaders plus decreasing their power unless for the Tahrid. But the Caliph Al-Mu'tasim has finalized Al-Abna' influence when depending on Turkish, accordingly Al-Abna' missed their power in political and military aspects although of the efforts exerted to recover their place but failed till they missed their role totally in the era of the Caliph Al-Muhtadi . Although Al-Abna' political and military role was collapsed, their social position became inherited in many buildings names to keep their history, also they were of important role in the religious and scientific aspect, the matter avails students and scholars. This study concluded many results, the most important of which are: the governmental heritage affected with the idea deciding the essence of supporting the legitimate Caliph which inherited by Al-Abna' from their fathers and Persian grandfathers- the Abbasid soldiers, the fathers of whom are the Caliphs supporters, the justification made them to immediately exploit the attitudes to practice their influence to prove their first right in the most important jobs. In this study the researcher follows the historical methodology depending on collecting the scientific material from available origins and references serving this dissertation, then analyzing the scientific material and making comparison between the historical facts to have results relying on neutrality and objectivity in order to realize the scientific objective of the dissertation. 
Supervisor : faizh esmail akber 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1430 AH
2009 AD
Number Of Pages : 218 
Added Date : Monday, October 28, 2013 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
أمونه محمد هوساويhosawi, amonh mohammedInvestigatorMaster 


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