Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Da'an Reconciliation And Its Reflections On The Ottomani Coflict with Al-emam Yeha Ben Hameed Al-Deen(1322 – 1337AH / 1904-1918) AD
صلح دعان وانعكاساته على الصراع العثماني مع الإمام يحيى بن حميد الدين 1322-1337هـ / 1904-1918م
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study discusses the affects of Da'an alliance which concluded by Ottoman state with Imam Yahia in 1329H/ 1911 on situations in Southern Arabia Also to get acquainted with terns results and affects of the agreement on the situations in Southern Arabia The scientific subject of this study is divided into Introduction preface three parts conclusion and annexes It has been pointed out to the importance objectives of the research besides the reasons for selecting this subject difficulties faced and studying of most important refrences being relied upon The scientific method followed in tackling the study is historical scientific method which depends on historical sequence of the subject Then research and analysis Afterwards I studied the political condition in Yemen before Imam Yahia's aule focusing on Imam Mansour's era 1307 – 1323H / 1890 – 1904 then Imam Yahia's rule and his holding of the Yemeni Imam ite anihilation of his rivals leading resistance efforts a gamst Ottoman state and his alliance with sayed Mohammed Al-Idreesi at Asir The research focuses on the studying of Da'an agreement which concluded by ottoman state with Imam Yahia in 1329H/ 1911 and an analytical study of the helping factors of its conclusion terms and results The research focuses on studying effects of Da'an agreement on the political conditions in Yemen including Imam Yahia's conflict with Sayed Mohammed Idreesi and former's stand towards first world war and British stand towards Imam Yahia Then ottoman with drawl from Yemen The study reached to many results that being summed up in the conclusion which most important is that Da'an agreement provided Yemen with a part of its independence which in turn led to the complete independence of Yemen and recognition as a free Arab State 
Supervisor : abdulwahab ba baer 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Number Of Pages : 178 
Added Date : Thursday, February 27, 2014 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ريما احمد قبوسgabos, reema ahmedInvestigatorMaster 


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